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Modern SQL


Aggregate functions can only be used in the SELECT output list. (i.e. SELECT AGGREGATION(...) FROM ...)

Some aggregate functions:

  • COUNT(...):
    • COUNT(column) counts the number of non-null values in the column
    • COUNT(*) counts the number of non-null values in the table
    • COUNT(DISTINCT column) counts the number of distinct non-null values in the column
  • AVG(...)
  • SUM(...)
  • MIN(...)
  • MAX(...)
  • GROUP BY: Project tuples into subsets and calculate aggregates against each subset.
    • Non-aggregated values in SELECT output clause must appear in GROUP BY clause.
  • HAVING: Filters results based on aggregation computation. Like a WHERE clause but used for a GROUP BY. (i.e. HAVING AGGREGATION(...))

String / Date / Time Operations

String operations:

  • LIKE : used for string matching, some patterns:
    • %: Matches any substring (including empty string)
    • _: Matches any single character
  • SUBSTRING(string, start, length): Extracts a substring from a string
  • EXTRACT(field FROM source): Extracts a field from a date/time value
    • some possible fields: YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, etc.
  • UPPER(string): Converts a string to uppercase
  • LOWER(string): Converts a string to lowercase
  • ||: Concatenates two strings (SQL standard)
  • CONCAT(string1, string2): Concatenates two strings (MySQL)
  • +: Concatenates two strings (MSSQL)

Output Control + Redirection


  • INTO: Redirects output of a query to a new table (SQL-92)
  • INTO TEMPORARY: Redirects output of a query to a new temporary table (PostgreSQL)
  • INSERT INTO: Redirects output of a query to a new table

Output control:

  • ORDER BY <> ASC/DESC: Sorts output by specified column(s)
  • LIMIT <n>: Limits output to first n rows
  • PARTITION BY <>: Partitions output by specified column(s)
  • FETCH {FIRST|NEXT} <n> ROWS ONLY: Limits output to first n rows
  • OFFSET <n> ROWS: Skips first n rows of output

Window Functions

  • OVER(...): Defines a window or subset of rows within a query result set
    • use control functions inside OVER(...)
  • ROW_NUMBER(): Assigns a unique sequential integer to each row in a window
  • RANK(): Assigns a unique sequential integer to each row in a window, but with gaps

Nested Queries

  • IN: Checks if a value is in a set of values
  • ALL: Checks if a value is greater than all values in a set of values
  • ANY: Checks if a value is greater than any value in a set of values
  • EXISTS: Checks if a subquery returns any rows


  • LATERAL JOIN: Allows a nested query to reference attributes in other nested queries that precede it.
  • LEFT JOIN: Returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table; NULL values are used for unmatched rows on the right. (similarly for RIGHT JOIN)
  • INNER JOIN: Returns all rows when there is at least one match in BOTH tables. (the same as JOIN)

Common Table Expressions SELECT name FROM student

  • WITH: Defines a temporary named result set that can be referenced by a subsequent query
    • WITH RECURSIVE: Defines a temporary named result set that can be referenced by a subsequent query, and allows the query to reference itself
  • AS: You can bind/alias output columns to names before the AS keyword.


  • ifnull(expr1, expr2): Returns expr1 if it is not NULL, or expr2 otherwise.